“Building The Monuments of OUr faith”

SERMON Title: Building The Monuments of OUr faith
SCRIPTURE: Joshua 4:1-7 ESV

As 2024 comes to a close, it's hard to believe how quickly the year has passed. Time moves fast, but God’s faithfulness has been evident in every challenge, victory, and moment of growth. The Israelites faced similar moments of reflection in Joshua 4 after crossing the Jordan River—a miraculous act of God’s power. God instructed them to build a memorial with twelve stones from the riverbed to remember His faithfulness and pass this legacy to future generations. As we reflect on 2024, we’re invited to remember, share, and build upon God’s faithfulness, just as the Israelites did.

Historical Background and Context
The Israelites, after 40 years of wandering, were on the verge of entering the Promised Land. However, the Jordan River was overflowing, making it impossible to cross. But as God instructed, the priests carrying the ark stepped into the waters, and the river miraculously stopped flowing, allowing the people to cross on dry ground (Joshua 3:16). This event fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 15:18-21). The crossing of the Jordan mirrored the earlier crossing of the Red Sea, but this time it signified moving forward into God’s promise rather than escaping slavery.

Many of us may also face our own “Jordan Rivers”—difficult transitions or overwhelming opportunities. But just as God led the Israelites, He leads us forward with His faithfulness.

1. Remembering God’s Faithfulness
After crossing the Jordan, God commanded the Israelites to set up twelve stones as a memorial (Joshua 4:7). These stones served as tangible reminders of God's intervention. God knew our tendency to forget His faithfulness, and Deuteronomy 6:12 warns against forgetting Him. Forgetting is not just a lapse in memory—it reflects a lack of trust in God’s ongoing work. We often forget God's provision in financial struggles, healing in times of illness, or guidance when life is smooth. Remembering God’s actions is an active worship that strengthens our trust in His promises.

This act of remembering is not only personal but generational. It connects us to past generations and inspires future ones. Through remembering, we acknowledge God’s power and trust in His promises, just as the Israelites did.

2. Testifying to Others
God not only called Israel to remember His faithfulness but also to share it with future generations. Joshua 4:21-22 tells the Israelites to explain the meaning of the stones to their children. Our faith is not meant to be private—it is meant to be shared. Sharing our testimonies of God’s faithfulness invites others into His story and inspires faith in them. Eugene Peterson rightly said that the most important thing parents can do is pass on stories of God’s faithfulness, as these stories have a profound impact on shaping faith. Testifying also invites others into the journey of God’s grace, whether they are younger in age or in their spiritual walk.

As a church, we are focused on raising the next generation in faith, equipping them to live and share the gospel. Our testimony has power, and by sharing our stories, we invite others to encounter God’s love and salvation.

3. Building Monuments of Faith
God instructed the Israelites to build a memorial with the twelve stones, not just to remember the past, but to point others to God’s glory (Joshua 4:20-24). These stones represented God’s covenant and His faithfulness. In our context, monuments may not be physical stones but can be practices, traditions, or projects that remind us and others of God’s work. These could include starting a gratitude journal, creating art to symbolize God's work, or dedicating a space for prayer and reflection. In our church, building monuments of faith might involve ministries that address needs or special events that celebrate God’s goodness.

In 2024, we’ve seen God’s faithfulness in significant ways—new covenant members, baptisms, the launch of ministries, and financial growth. These milestones are modern-day monuments, reminding us of God’s ongoing work and encouraging us to trust Him even more deeply.

As we reflect on how God has been faithful in 2024, here are some practical ways to remember, testify, and build monuments of faith:

  1. Remembering: Take time to reflect on how God has shown up for you in 2024. Write down moments of provision, healing, or guidance, and let those memories fuel your faith. Maybe you’ve seen God provide during a financial hardship, strengthen you through a health crisis, or open unexpected doors when you felt stuck. Write these moments down and return to them when your faith feels weak. As a church, let’s continue to celebrate our collective milestones and God’s blessings in our corporate gatherings.

  2. Testifying: Share your story. Whether it’s a heartfelt conversation with a friend, sharing during a church testimony time, or even a post on social media, let others know what God has done in your life. For example, if God helped restore a broken relationship or guided you in making a tough decision, share those specifics. As a church, let’s commit to sharing the gospel with our community, using events like VBS or Alpha as platforms for testimony and invitation. Your testimony could be the encouragement someone else needs to trust Him.

  3. Building Monuments: Create something tangible to remind yourself of God’s goodness. This could be starting a gratitude journal where you regularly jot down answered prayers, or creating a piece of art that symbolizes a breakthrough God brought in your life. For families, I’ve seen some families having a “Faith Jar” where everyone adds notes of how they’ve seen God at work throughout the year. Another idea could be planting a tree or creating a special space in your home dedicated to prayer and reflection, or you could set certain items as mementos that remind you of specific answered prayers or seasons of God’s faithfulness. In church, it might look like serving in a ministry where you can pour into others as a response to what God has done for you, or seeking for opportunities to share your testimonies in Lifegroups and other corporate gatherings. Or it could be creating a space in the church where we display how the Lord is working through certain ministry events. We actually have a short slide show of some of the highlights of 2024. As we look at these photoslides, let us remember and give thanks to the Lord for his faithful guidance over our church in this year of 2024.

Joshua 4 teaches us that God’s works are not just for the moment—they have eternal significance. As we close 2024, let’s celebrate what God has done, share His goodness, and build lasting reminders of His glory. By doing so, we honor God’s faithfulness and invite others to experience His love and power. As we head into 2025, may we continue to trust in His faithfulness and build monuments that inspire faith for generations to come.

Reflection and Response
Take a moment to reflect on how God has been faithful in your life and in our church this year. What “Jordan Rivers” has He brought you through? Who can you share your testimony with? What monuments can you build to remind yourself and others of God’s goodness? Let’s respond in prayer, journaling, or simply being in His presence, asking how we can live out these truths in the year ahead.


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