Downtown Pastoral Library

Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Come have breakfast”

The ministry of Jesus often revolved around food. Jesus’ desire for those He loved was to feed them.

  • Jesus’ first miracle was the turning of water into wine. (John 2:1-11)

  • Jesus’ miracle of feeding the five thousand with bread and fish is mentioned in all four of the Gospels. (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14)

  • Jesus’ last remembrance was through The Last Supper had with His disciples on the eve before His death. (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-20; John 13:1-30).

In today’s passage, John writes about the important breakfast made by Jesus Himself. Jesus’ provision through this meal is filled with grace and love.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Why Easter Matters”

Today on Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus died on the cross not only to take away our sins but also that He has resurrected from the dead. The reality of the resurrection is where our energy, time, and effort within our faith through prayer, meditation on Scripture, attending church, offering up our service, etc. - to praise the living and risen King.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Running the race by faith”

Hebrews 11 is often regarded as the chapter of faith. Prior to this chapter, we’ve been constantly reminded that Jesus is better. We know though, as we continue on this walk with God - faith is absolutely needed. The previous references (High Priest, Tabernacle) were only the pointers to the door, but faith is the hinge of the actual door we want opened to allow us to approach Jesus.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“A community that draws near together”

As we continue through the Book of Hebrews, we see more clearly how Jesus is the culmination of the greatest to come. In comparison to the angels, to Moses, the prophets, the temple, the priests, and the sacrificial system - Jesus is better and higher. The writer of Hebrews points to the importance of connection and to our church community for it is ultimately better to be joined to others in the presence of Jesus than to be alone.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin

“Blood Sacrifice at the Cross”

The Bible shows two different aspects of blood: the senseless blood of war and the redemptive blood of sacrifice. There are many stories of the former caused by our sin, but we should remember that the later blood sacrifices come with a very loving purpose, especially the blood sacrifice and redemptive work of Jesus on the cross.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Entering into God’s rest (Pt. 2)”

Last week we looked at the idea of rest for God’s people by entering into God’s rest. However, the people of Israel were unable to enter into God’s rest because of their hardened hearts. The key to entering God’s rest is genuine faith, a faith that Jesus provides for us. This week we will continue to look into what this rest looks like.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Preparing for a Successful Year”

With one week left in 2021, we should take a moment to prepare our hearts for the upcoming year. Not only should we await positive changes in our resolution, but we should also prepare for unanticipated storms waiting around the corner. But we know that when we encounter these storms, when we choose to devote a firm faith in our God, He will bring back our calm and peace.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Who He Is, Why He came”

As we near Christmas, we remember the celebration surrounding the birth of Christ. The birth of Christ is symbolic for it is the beginning of when the work of Jesus began on earth. In remembrance, today’s sermon will speak on the person of Jesus Christ: what He is and what He has done.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Continuing on the Spiritual Legacy”

In today’s text, we are introduced to the character Elisha who God calls to be the next prophet after Elijah. Elisha is essentially receiving the spiritual baton from Elijah to become his successor. For us, how do we prepare to pass the spiritual baton to the next generation? How do we prepare to receive this baton as the next generation?

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Recovering from spiritual depression (Pt. 2)”

Last week we saw how God provided rest and nourishment for Elijah when he was going through spiritual depression. In the article “7 Things to never say to a depressed Christian” by C. Michael Patton, Patton lists several statements of “advice” that when spoken to depressed people, can inadvertently cause more harm than help. We may not always recognize the complications of spiritual depression, but in today’s story we can see how God lovingly restored Elijah.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Recovering from spiritual depression (Pt. 1)”

Spiritual depression can come upon anyone in any way. Last week, we witnessed a climatic point in Elijah’s life and ministry: he won a mighty battle in the Name of the Lord against the false prophets at Mount Carmel, courageously declaring the power of God. In rain and fire, God had answered Elijah’s prayer. Though Elijah had personally experienced the sovereign might of God, he is quickly brought very low in the next few verses. Does this drop from a spiritual high sound familiar to you?

No one is immune to going through lows no matter how on fire they are spiritually. Today, we’ll be looking at some of the causes of spiritual depression, symptoms, and our response as God recovers and restores us.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon New Hope Fellowship - Downtown . Pastor John Son, Sermon New Hope Fellowship - Downtown .

“An Encounter with the Healer” - Luke 5:12-26

In today’s passage, we read about the encounters of two individuals who desperately needed Jesus’ help. One of them was a man with leprosy who was an outcast because of his condition. The other, a paralyzed man who had no physical way of making his way before Jesus. Yet in both stories, we see that it is not what we offer nor who we are that Jesus is looking at, for Jesus looks at our heart and desires to heal and restore us. 

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