Downtown Pastoral Library

Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi

“Pouring Out From Abundance: Partnership in the Gospel”


We were made for deep relationships characterized by the deepest kind of love. In the beginning, before sin tainted the world, God singled out one thing that was not good in His creation – Adam was alone without a companion. We cannot live without stable and healthy relationships. Children cannot thrive without stable parents; a marriage cannot survive when two people drift apart; it can feel like death and can leave to death sometimes. This is how God created us; we grow, mature, and flourish as healthy Christians and a healthy Church in relationship.

Paul’s letter to the Philippians reflects a deep kind of friendship and relationship between Paul and the Philippian church, such that scholars believe Paul had a closer relationship with the Philippian church than the other churches. In today’s text, Paul reconnects and rejoices over what he heard about them.

When we look at Paul’s letter to the Philippians, it is quite evident that this letter reflects a very deep, deep kind of friendship between Paul and the Philippians. Scholars say that Paul and the Philippians were closer in relationship than any other church had with Paul. Paul’s greeting reveals more than a simple greeting that a surface reading may suggest. Paul teaches us how to have the deep and genuine relationship that God intended for us by focusing on two things: (1) Paul’s greeting to understand his relationship with the Philippian church and (2) Their Partnership in the Gospel.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi

“3 Reasons For Our Grateful Praise” - Thanksgiving 2023


Giving thanks is a prominent theme in the Psalms, but Psalm 100 is the only psalm that is specifically titled as a psalm of giving thanks. The psalmist speaks of an invitation to all of creation to exhort, to praise, and to bless the Lord. He shows us what God is like and who God is as our Creator and our Father. Afterall, how can we be thankful if we don’t know who God is and what God is like in His nature.

There are THREE intrinsic reasons to thank and praise God:

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi

“The Lord’s Prayer - Part 3”

Introduction – Part 1 and 2 recap:

            The Lord’s Prayer is a framework of Christian life that is consistent with the Kingdom of Heaven. We must internalize this prayer deep in our hearts by understanding what Jesus is teaching us through all the parts of this prayer: (1) “Our father in heaven” is about intimacy with God who is a loving and compassionate Father; (2) “hallowed be your name” is about the tension/balance we hold towards God as an intimate and loving father but also a most holy God; (3) “your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven” is about manifesting the things of Heaven on the Earth below as part of God’s justice; (4) “Give us this day our daily bread” is about trusting and relying on the efficiency and sufficiency of God as our daily source and provider; (5) “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (alt: “… trespasses as we have forgiven those who have trespassed against us”) reflects God’s grace and the need to be forgiven and to forgive others. Our love for God cannot be disconnected from our love for others.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi Sermon, Pastor John Son Min Jae Yi

“The Lord's Prayer - Part 2”


Introduction – Recap of pt.1

If you want to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus and to live like Jesus, you need to learn how to pray like Jesus. Last week, we looked at the first two portions of the Lord’s Prayer: "Our Father in heaven”, “Hallowed be your name.” They speak of our personal, communal, and intimate relationship with a holy God who desires to embrace us with compassion, mercy, love, and forgiveness. How we pray will reveal if the desire of our heart is to hallow God’s name or hallow our own name.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin

“Hospitality as a Mission”

Pastor John shares a previous experience where he was pastoring a youth community where he did not feel belonging or accepted by the members. He drives home the difference that openness and acceptance plays in the midst of people seeking to connect with one another, and the simple impact of hospitality in inviting others to sit with us.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin

“Invitation to God's Mission”

Many of us don't actively keep a missional imagination at the forefront of our eyes. One possible reason is because we limit, when and where God's mission and activity takes place to the walls of the church - a kind of Temple spirituality.

  1. What is God inviting us into with His plans?

  2. How can we participate with Him?

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Detoxing the heart of forgiveness”

This week, we dive into exploring the the tension of having been forgiven by God and our response in forgiving others in love and Christ-likeness. In our passage, both servants were forgiven an immense amount of debt relative to their position - unthinkable in those times. We will look into the similarities of the weight of our sins before God and why a willingness to forgive is characteristic of those who have been saved by the Lord.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Listening to your heart as a way of discernment”

We take a break from our series on ‘The Heart Detox’ to examine another part of our heart we ought to offer up to God: our thoughts, feelings, and desires that surface as we discern a major decision in our life. The art of discernment isn’t an easy skill but is one that as we sharpen and refine it, aids how we come to delight in grasping and living out His good and perfect will for us.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Detoxing sexual sins (Pt. 1)”

Though the church may often focus on and explore topics of theology, prayer, solitude, etc. - the intersection of sexuality and spirituality is often spoken about in hushed tones. In today’s sermon, we’ll look at Part 1 of examining engrained assumptions we may hold on the topic of sexual sins and how to broaden our understanding of a life of sexual wholeness.

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Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin Sermon, Pastor John Son Gigi Lin

“Detoxing Pride”

A life of transformation in Christ is oft accompanied by many facets of change by the power of Christ. You might think the issue of self-centredness is the worst of them all; or the sin of gluttony and self-indulgence; or the love of self-pity and self-condemnation. Across many bible scholars, underlying the manifestation of all these sins lies the ultimate sin of a justified love of oneself: pride.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Wait. Pray. Plan.”

Last week, we looked into the historical context in which Nehemiah was written. This week, we dive deeper into what happens after Nehemiah weeps and mourns in fasting and pray for God’s help in delivering the people of Judah. Nehemiah isn’t immediately mobilized by God, but instead we see a 4-month gap between Nehemiah receiving his calling and making his first move. We will focus on what Nehemiah’s 4-month delay can teach us about the posture we bear as we carry out our callings in a godly and successful manner.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Secondhand spirituality”

The Book of Acts is the story of the church - continuing the story of Jesus, through the church. In Acts 19, we see a contrast in the power of Apostle Paul and a small group called The Seven Sons of Sceva. Paul encountered God and was transformed from the inside out. He became someone who God performed extraordinary miracles through. Word was also spreading that in the name of Jesus, there is power; in the name of Jesus, miracles can happen.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“You shall not covet”

This week, we finish off our sermon series on the Ten Commandments. We look into how coveting is prominent in our society today and how we may overcome its influence on shaping the way we define and measure our life satisfaction. We will explore the new reality available to us as believers who are freed by God’s love and freedom for free people are joyfully content.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“You shall not make for yourself an idol”

We look at the second commandment today - “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” (Exodus 20:4-6) We question in our daily lives in what ways we have chosen to make idols in the form of something — choosing to worship them — other than God alone.

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