Mississauga Pastoral Library
Abounding In Prayer
Series: Pouring Out From Abundance (Message #2)
Title: Abounding In Prayer
Passage: Philippians 1:3-11
Speaker: Rev. Charles Lee
Abundant Joy In Prison
Sermon outline for “Pouring Out From Abundance”, Philippians 1:1-2, Rev. Jason Noh.
Praying Through Listening
Sermon outline for “Praying Through Listening”, 1 Samuel 3:1-10, Rev. Jason Noh.
Praying Through Pain
Sermon outline for “Praying Through Pain”, 1 Samuel 1:1-11, Rev. Jason Noh.
Transforming Prayer
Sermon outline for “Transforming Prayer”, Jeremiah 10:7-18, Rev. Charles Lee.
The Potter and the Clay
Sermon outline for “The Potter and the Clay”, Jeremiah 18:1-12, Rev. Charles Lee.
In Our Weakness
Sermon outline for “In Our Weakness”, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Pastor David Noh.
Being Assured of the Gospel
Sermon outline for “Being Assured of the Gospel”, Romans 1:16-17, Pastor Jae Seok Lee.
From the Heart to the Home
Sermon outline for “From the Heart to the Home”, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Rev. Susan Lee.
Called Out For God’s Mission #11
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #11: “People Who Praise & Pray”, Isaiah 43:18-21 and Deuteronomy 4:6-8, Rev. Jason Noh
Called Out For God’s Mission #10
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #10: “People Who Live & Work In The World”, Jeremiah 29:1-14, Rev. Charles Lee
Called Out For God’s Mission #9
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #9: “People Who Are Sent”, John 20:21-23, Rev. Charles Lee
Called Out For God’s Mission #8
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #8: “People Who Proclaim the Gospel of Christ”, Isaiah 52:7-10 & Mark 1:14-15, Rev. Jason Noh
Called Out For God’s Mission #7
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #7: “People Who Know the One Living God and Savior”, Deuteronomy 4:32-39, Rev. Jason Noh
Called Out For God’s Mission #6
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #6: “People Who Attract Others To God”, Titus 2:1-14, Rev. Charles Lee
Called Out For God’s Mission #4
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #4: “People Who Walk in God’s Way”, Genesis 18:16-33 , Rev. Jason Noh
Called Out for God’s Mission #3
Sermon outline for Called Out For God’s Mission #3: “People Who Are a Blessing to the Nations”, Genesis 12:1-3 , Rev. Jason Noh
Invitation to Participate in God’s Mission by Sponsoring Children in Need Through Compassion Canada
For those of you who had the desire but were hesitant to sponsor a child, I want to share why we should consider sponsoring children for the first time or for the seventh time. What motivates us to give when there are other ways to spend our money on other things? I see at least three: the gospel, the need and the opportunity.