Uptown Pastoral Library
The God Who Grieves
What comes to mind when you think of the emotions of God? Contrary to many religions and to our misconceptions of God, God is full of emotions. In fact, if God were not full of emotions, then we as humans would not be able to experience a range and depth of emotions since we are created in his image. Unlike humanity, however, God is in full control over his emotions and these emotions do not imply any kind of change, weakness, or imperfection on God's character…
The Depth of Sin (Total Depravity Part 2)
Now that Scripture has established the subtle origins and the extensive scope of sin, Scripture provides us a glimpse of how deep this sin is. Despite humanity's rebellion, God nonetheless provides ample opportunity for people to repent. However, apart from Christ, we are stuck in the ways of Adam so we fail to repent and instead reject God even further…
Sin 101: Subtle Origins
Sin and its consequences are horrifically devastating. Not only is sin extensive in its impact, but its destruction runs deep into our most inner-being. The next three sermons will explore these aspects of sin, with the first sermon beginning with its subtle origins…
How It Started; How It's Going: Sex
Continuing from last week's sermon, we will look at the biblical understanding of a very important topic that is only seldom mentioned in church: sex. Once again, we need to understand sex within the context of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation…
How It Started; How It’s Going: Gender
The second chapter of Genesis provides another perspective on how God created everything. This chapter is also a summary of what we have reflected upon over the first two sermons and provides context so that we can better understand chapter 3. Accordingly, we see Adam working, having authority, and enjoying the gift of relationships--all within the context of his relationship with God as it was originally designed. As we will eventually see, the idyllic harmony portrayed in Genesis 2 makes the rebellion in Genesis 3 all the more treacherous and egregious.
God’s Image, Our Essence: Part 2
As we continue to reflect upon God's first impression, there are four things that we learn about God: he is very creative, he has "pride" over his work, he works with wisdom and structure, and he highly esteems rest. In other words, God portrays himself as a worker. This is a surprise for many of us because we typically think of God as a father, master, or king, while we rarely see him as a worker…
Running From God
The story of Jonah is one of the greatest literary masterpieces of the Old Testament. It begins with Jonah, the revered prophet of God, directed by God, hearing from God—and then running from God, “fleeing from the presence of the Lord.”
God’s Image, Our Essence
First impressions are critical. We have all experienced this--whether preparing for that important interview or getting ready for that first day of school. These impressions are significant because they shape the way we are perceived in future interactions. In many ways, Genesis 1 presents the first impression that God wanted to make, that will shape the way we see him as we reflect upon the rest of Scripture…
Leadership and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The last practical exhortation of the Letter to the Hebrews is to remember, obey, and submit to leadership. In this sermon, we will reflect upon why having this attitude toward leadership is important, but why this can also be controversial. ..
Pictures of Faith and Discipline
The Letter to the Hebrews ends by providing practical implications of all the glorious blessings that we have in Jesus Christ. Most recently, Hebrews has pointed our attention to the promised faith and discipline that we have in Christ. As we reflect upon all that Christ has done for us, what kind of an impact should this have in our everyday lives? Hebrews gives two examples…
The Discipline That God Has Promised Us
Last week, we were humbled as we reflected upon how various individuals persevered in faith and yet never saw the fulfillment of God's promise (e.g., Abraham, Moses, etc.). All these individuals are waiting for the ultimate consummation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This brings us the theme of this sermon series: running the race together. As early as Abel, every person of God is still waiting, which should compel us to endure in this race. However, this kind of endurance is not natural, but is instead developed through discipline. Thus, the focus of this chapter is on the discipline that God promises all his children whom he loves in Christ…
The Faith That God Has Promised Us
All throughout Hebrews (and the rest of the Bible), faith is a very important part of our conformity to Jesus Christ. This kind of faith is not some vague belief in something generic; instead, it is a conviction that God's promises are true: he is who he says he is and he will do what he said he will do. Although this understanding of faith is simple, it can feel impossible to live out when we are overwhelmed by our circumstances and our sin…
A Grace That Compels Judgment
At this point in the Letter to the Hebrews, we see a repeating pattern: (1) Hebrews first points us to Jesus Christ—who he is and what he has done for us; (2) based on Christ, Hebrews then exhorts us to seek after God, hold fast to our confession, and to meet/encourage one another; (3) however, if we do not respond to Christ appropriately, then there is a grave warning; (4) fortunately for the people of Hebrews, there are signs that they are responding appropriately; but (5) regardless of the potential of the people of Hebrews, their ultimate hope is in God's promise…
The Efficacy and the Finality of the Blood of Jesus Christ
In this passage, we continue to reflect upon the priesthood of Jesus Christ. More specifically, we reflect upon how the blood of Christ is both effective and final. In order for us to understand this, we must remember God's holiness, God's grace, and the sinfulness of humanity…
The Permanence of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
Have you ever experienced a paradigm shift? It is unsettling to realize that your old way of acting, thinking, and living is off the mark and must be replaced with a new way. As mentioned previously in this sermon series, Hebrews shows that a paradigm shift is needed. This is why Hebrews repeatedly compares Jesus Christ with figures like angels, Moses, Melchizadek, and Abraham. Ultimately, the people's way of living must be transformed by the new covenant of Christ…
Jesus Christ and Your Promised Maturation
In this passage, Hebrews makes a few side points before continuing the idea of Jesus as a high priest of a new and better covenant. This week's sermon will focus on these side points. Essentially, this passage encourages us to reflect upon our maturation in Christ. We should assess our growth, but also have confidence that our growth is ultimately based on God's promise that is fulfilled in Christ…
Great and High Yet Humble and Low
As we have been reminded every week, the hope that Hebrews provides us is exclusively in Jesus Christ. This week, we reflect upon Jesus Christ as the great high priest. Although thinking about Jesus Christ as a high priest might make him sound more distant and less intimate, it's actually the opposite…
Your Hardened Heart and Jesus Christ
This week's passage presents a firm warning. All of us are susceptible to a hardened heart, which is deeply offensive to God. God not only considers a hardened heart as rebellion, but a hardened heart provokes God's wrath (3.7-11). So what exactly is a hardened heart and why is it so dishonoring to God?
A Warning That Is Assuring; An Assurance That Is a Warning
As much as the gospel is "the good news," Scripture also presents it as a warning. The gospel should provoke urgency, but not for the reasons that we often think. We often think that it should compel us to go to church, read the Bible, pray, and do other Christian actions. When we realize that we fail to do these actions, it unfortunately leads to a sense of misguided guilt and shame…
Who Is Jesus, What Has He Done, and What Is He Doing?
What comes to mind when you think of your relationship with God? Do you dwell on former seasons where the relationship felt easier? Or perhaps you are discouraged at the present because you feel stuck? Or maybe you are worried about whether or not you can remain faithful as life seems to be getting more complicated?