Discipleship Classes

The goal of Discipleship Classes is to equip the members to grow as disciples who love like Jesus (heard), who think like Jesus (head), who are equipped to serve like Jesus (hands). Classes are designed so that people in different stages of life and different faith stages can be equipped and nurtured. Classes run for 6-12 sessions and are offered throughout different seasons.

Coffee Break

Coffee Break is an inductive Bible study that fosters learning and the deep discovery of the Word of God together in friendly and low-key small groups. Using an informal approach of questions, Coffee Break encourages people to discover for themselves what the Bible says and means for their lives. Through the application and sharing of life in light of God's Word, we strive for spiritual growth together.  

Discover 1 Corinthians: Wisdom for Living
The believers in Corinth lived in a secular, self-seeking culture; so do we. They needed godly wisdom to guide and enlighten them; so do we. Paul's first letter to the Corinthians is filled with practical wisdom for daily life, as well as knowledge that gives hope for the future.

Audience: Open to all ladies
Facilitator: Hannah Lee (email: 
Time: Tuesdays 10 AM-12 PM starting September 24th for 10 weeks 
Location: Hybrid (via Zoom with 3 in-person meetings)
Additional Info: $20 registration fee
Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024


email Hannah Lee to join choi_boys@yahoo.ca


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