SHARE LIFE, Faith, Hope, and jesus.


Alpha is a great opportunity to meet new people and journey together for 10 weeks to explore faith, life, and Christianity over refreshments and fellowship.

Using a video-based curriculum, these small-group sessions are ideal for both seekers of faith who are exploring the larger questions of life, as well as for Christians who long to unpack their lingering questions and doubts concerning faith and Christianity. 

  • Alpha began at a church called Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) in London in 1977, it was taken by Nicky Gumbel in 1990 and repositioned as a course for those outside the church. The number of people attending Alpha at HTB grew quickly into the hundreds and attracted the attention of other churches across denominations seeking to find an effective tool for evangelism.

    This led to the first Alpha conference in 1993 at HTB where over 1000 church leaders attended to learn about Alpha and how to use it in their congregation. As interest grew Alpha conferences were organized internationally and the original Alpha Film Series was filmed in 1994 to make it accessible to the widest possible audience.

    Now all over the world millions of people have tried Alpha and it has been translated into 112 different languages. The Alpha Talks have been repackaged for today’s audience in the Alpha Film Series and the Alpha Youth Series was created to reach a younger generation with the Gospel. Even as times have changed, the Alpha course has continued to be used by the church as an effective tool to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Many Christians see evangelism as uncomfortable, unnatural or only for a select few experts.

    In fact, a recent Angus Reid study showed only 29% of religiously-committed people in Canada view evangelism positively.

    80% of guests attend Alpha because of a personal invitation from someone they know. And they keep attending because of the relationships that develop during Alpha.

    Evangelism is always relational and not just informational. This relational dimension of Alpha is what speaks loudest to a culture that suffers from increasing feelings of loneliness and social isolation, where the primary question is no longer “What do I believe?” but “Where do I belong?”

  • There are 3 main ingredients of Alpha sessions:


    Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table, or a quick online catch-up, times of connecting are important. It’s no different at Alpha: all sessions start with a time to connect, relax and build friendships.


    The Alpha talks are short videos designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”


    The discussion time is an opportunity for people to respond to the talk, hear from others, and contribute their own perspectives in an honest, friendly, and open environment.



Please contact Frances Kim or Deacon Randy Kim for more information.


4/19: Registration Deadline
4/26: Is There More to Life Than This? (Room #315)
5/3: Who is Jesus? (Room #315)
5/10: Why Did Jesus Die? (Room #312)
5/17: How Can I Have Faith? (Room #312)
5/24: Why and How Do I Pray? & Why and How Should I Read the Bible? (Room #312) 
5/31: How Does God Guide Us? (Room #312)
6/7: Alpha Retreat (Lunch provided) (Room #141)
     Who Is the Holy Spirit?
     What Does the Holy Spirit Do? 
     How Can I Be Filled With Holy Spirit? 
6/14: How Can I Make the Most of The Rest of My Life? (Room #312)
6/20: Friday Prayer (People’s Church
6/21: How Can I Resist Evil? & Why and How Should I Tell Others? (Room #312)
6/28: Optional Final Retreat: Does God Heal Today? & What About The Church? (Room #312)
·      Sessions are held on Saturday mornings, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM.
·      Refreshments will be provided


“Alpha is a place where you can be yourself: you can say what you think and challenge everything.

No question is too complex or too simple.”

— Alpha Trailer


“I clearly remember the day that my dad came home and said, ‘I've been doing this thing called Alpha’. And I thought, that's crazy, my dad's doing something at a church."

— Jorge & Dori


“I sat in my pew every Sunday, and I thought to myself, there is something missing in my faith. I want more joy, and I was looking for something more.”



“I sat in my pew every Sunday, and I thought to myself, there is something missing in my faith. I want more joy, and I was looking for something more.”



“What I didn't expect was that it expanded my horizons and opened my heart to understand faith better. And I really didn't expect that.”

— Larry and Ryan


“I asked myself, is there even a God anymore? You know with everything going on, if there is a God, why is this all happening to me?”

— Cheryl


"At one point we asked, if there was something we wanted healed in our lives. And in my head, I thought, I really want my relationship with my brother healed."

— Tracy and AlANA