“The Good News of Christmas: the Baptism of Renewal”

Sermon Title: The Good News of Christmas: the Baptism of Renewal
Scripture: Titus 3:4-7 ESV


Paul reminds us of a profound truth that lies at the heart of Christmas. He says, “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared… (Titus 3:4).” The heart of Christmas, the reason why we celebrate this day is because God has manifested His goodness and loving kindness to us , in the person of Jesus. Jesus, who is the Word of God, became flesh and dwelt among us. In that moment, the world witnessed the embodiment of divine love. Christmas is not merely the celebration of a historical event that took place in ancient Israel 2000 years ago, but it is the recognition that God's divine goodness and loving kindness has drawn near to us. In a lowly stable in Bethlehem, God’s goodness and loving kindness came in the form of a newborn baby, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. The is the good news that we celebrate and rejoice in this season.

The Washing of Regeneration and Renewal of the Holy Spirit

…he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior…” (Titus 3:5-6)

·       Paul describes the transformative nature of God’s mercy; salvation is given to us in Christ Jesus, not because we deserve it, but by God’s sovereign mercy. God took pity on us in our sinfulness through His mercy, our sins are washed away and have new life in Him.

·       “Washing of regeneration and renewal” is the language of baptism. Baptism symbolizes the cleansing and forgiveness of sins, and the beginning of a transformed life centered on Jesus Christ. We are symbolically washed of our past sins and are spiritually reborn into a new identity as followers of Christ.

·       Baptism is a profound experience of God's mercy and grace. We participate in the regeneration and renewal brought about by the Holy Spirit, a life marked by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. It symbolizes our union with Christ in his death and resurrection, and we have received the gift of new life.

Justified by His Grace: Heirs According to Hope

“… so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:7)

·       Paul powerfully declares that the good news of the gospel doesn’t stop at living a renewed life. Justification is God’s legal declaration of our righteousness even though we are sinful. It is not earned through our works, but freely given through God’s grace. The blood of Christ has washed our sins and we are no longer found guilty in God’s sight.

·       We have even more reason to hope and be encouraged beyond the love of God that transforms and justifies us – God’s end goal is to bring us into His family as sons and daughters of God, and to be heirs of the kingdom of heaven for eternity!

·       Almighty God of the universe sacrificed His only Son, so that you and I can become His heirs as sons and daughters who will enjoy God’s abundant riches and glory for eternity! That is the good news! Praise the Lord!


As we celebrate Christmas, may we be reminded that the birth of Jesus has inaugurated a new covenant of grace. In Christ, we are justified, declared righteous, and welcomed into God's family. The hope of eternal life is not a distant dream, but a present reality for those who are justified by God's grace. Let us embrace God's extravagant grace, and be abundantly filled with His goodness and loving kindness in Christ Jesus, so that it overflows from our lives and touches those around us with the transformative power of the gospel.


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